3784 Howell Branch Rd, Winter Park, FL 32792

Commonly Asked Question

Tim's hourly rate is $250 per hour, and a Booking Fee is required when you book your appt. The booking fee is NON-REFUNDABLE if you cancel for any reason, and will go towards your tattoo session price if you do not cancel, so you already have paid a little bit before you come!

We have an ATM in the studio that accepts all major debit cards. We accept Paypal online when you put down your booking fee, but in the shop we only accept cash for your total session at checkout. If you come in person to the shop to put down a booking fee we only accept cash.

It holds your guaranteed spot to get tattooed that day. Tim rarely takes walk-ins and is always busy tattooing. The chances of walking in that day and getting a tattoo are rare, and you are very lucky if Tim can squeeze you in!

Sorry, but yes. Booking Fee will be lost if you reschedule, cancel, or do not show to your appointment. For any reason if you cancel, reschedule, or cannot make it to your appointment, you will forfeit your booking fee and will be required to submit a new booking fee if you wish to book a new appt or move your appt to a new date. No exceptions or extenuating circumstances.

The bigger the tattoo and drawing...the bigger the booking fee. Please consider if you book an 8-hour tattoo, and do not come to your appointment the artist has lost an entire day of wages.

When you make your appt consult with me how long the appt will take and choose below, or decide how long you want to sit and choose those hours below. We can do multiple sessions per tattoo. At the end of your session in the shop we will book your next session together if needed to continue.

Sorry, but no. Tim will draw some large appointments the morning of, or evening before your appointment but most appointments are done in person when you come to your appointment. Everything is drawn digitally. Tim will take a photo of your body at the appointment and draw your tattoo on our surface pro, surface studio, surface book, and ipads.

Tim Lease Tattoos maintains a blog, social media, and portfolio on his website, on which he showcases work from tattoo sessions. Please note that the tattoo artist does not blog or post all tattoos, and does not guarantee that the Client’s tattoo will be featured on the blog or portfolios. The tattoo blogs, portfolio, and social media are based on many factors including repetitiveness of subject matter (e.g., Tattooer may tattoo the same type of flowers multiple times in a year, and in order to keep the social media/blog/portfolio content fresh, all tattoos may not be featured), Tattooer's other workload (during busy seasons tattooer is unable to blog as frequently), and many other factors. Client is encouraged to not take it personally if their tattoo is not featured. Images featured on the blog/website/portfolio are at the discretion of the tattooer.

Still have questions? Email timleasetattoos@gmail.com and Tim's booking manager will get back to you asap!



Tim is always a pleasure to work with! A few months ago he did a cover up piece on my forearm, he was so much fun to talk to during the whole (FIVE HOUR, painful but so worth it) process & it healed perfectly. Just this past week I went in for another forearm piece with him and on the same arm and it turned out so much more beautiful that I could ever have expected! The dot & line work is near perfect and he managed to create a beautiful, very detailed mandala without making it too busy. Again, another five hours in one session but the time was well spent chatting and listening to stand up to distract me from the pain. I would recommend Tim to anyone looking to get a tattoo done!!

Syd Hawley

Tim is always a pleasure to work with! A few months ago he did a cover up piece on my forearm, he was so much fun to talk to during the whole (FIVE HOUR, painful but so worth it) process & it healed perfectly. Just this past week I went in for another forearm piece with him and on the same arm and it turned out so much more beautiful that I could ever have expected! The dot & line work is near perfect and he managed to create a beautiful, very detailed mandala without making it too busy. Again, another five hours in one session but the time was well spent chatting and listening to stand up to distract me from the pain. I would recommend Tim to anyone looking to get a tattoo done!!

Syd Hawley

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